Edit blog post using Pelican.

Published: Sat 19 December 2020
By Alex

In misc.

Instructions about editing blog using Pelican

This post continues the theme of the previous post on that topic. https://thisakcode.github.io/how-to-1-blogging-using-pelican.html

cd C:\blog_depend\venv\Scripts
cd c:\thisAKcode.github.io\content

Edit existing file

If I am interested in editing published post I do it as follows: I had post_number_n.md in content folder, then I opened it using some editor and rewrited some of the content.

pelican content -o output -s publishconf.py
ghp-import -m "Generate Pelican site" --no-jekyll -b main output
git push origin main
git add content
git commit -m "added a post"
git push origin content

[IMPORTANT] Sometimes I run into trouble that git push origin main is not working properly.

Convert Jupyter Notebook to md and publish that as an article

Alternative for writing from scratch can be converting of an ipynb file into markdown file. Read HOWTO below to understand how to work with that stuff.

HOWTO https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert from within cmder I run this:

jupyter nbconvert --to markdown notebook.ipynb

Edit Site Configuration

To change some defaults from first setup you have to modify some of the variables in pelicanconf.py file.

Modify site theme

Create a new directory in C:\thisAKcode.github.io named theme in which you need to have templates directory. Here Jinja2 to be stored if your goal is to override the default theme.

  1. Choose Pelican theme you like here: http://www.pelicanthemes.com/.
  2. Clone the repo of your favorite theme e.g. https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-themes/tree/master/basic Clone the into this location: C:\blog_depend\venv\Lib\site-packages\pelican\themes otherwise use this tool https://kinolien.github.io/gitzip/.

and register it inside your pelicanconf.py THEME = "elegant" 3. Now open pelicanconf.py file present in the Main Project folder and insert below line: THEME=’<path to your Theme Folder>’

Your Pelican is ready to use the theme.

Add search engine and add a comment plugin.

I found this great article https://snipcart.com/blog/pelican-blog-tutorial-search-comments. This walks through creating blog from scratch inclusive two features: 1. adding search engine. 2. adding comments.

Adding a search engine.

Pelican-specific search plugin "Tipue search"

Tipue-search is one of the plugins: https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins/tree/master/tipue_search

Wasnt able to set it up. Istall requirements pip install beautifulsoup4.

