import warnings
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from math import ceil
VNR = 892
def roundup(x):
# round up ticks to next hundred
return int(ceil(x / 100.0)) * 100
# inject input data as pd dataframes
df = pd.read_csv(f"{VNR}_tsd_parameters.csv")
df2 = pd.read_csv(f"marker_control_{VNR}.csv")
df2_ac_pure = pd.read_csv(f"marker_pure_anticontrol_{VNR}.csv")
df2_ac_mixed = pd.read_csv(f"marker_mixed_anticontrol_{VNR}.csv")
df4 = pd.read_csv(f"marker_{VNR}.csv")
# parameters
chainage = list(df.Chainage)
x_axis = list(df.lop_lan_med)
sci = list(df.SCI300)
bci = list(df.BCI)
bdi = list(df.BDI)
# markers
# test11
marker_chain = list(df2.Chainage_orig)
# comment out temporarily
#marker_chain = list(df2.lop_lan_med)
height = list(df2.height)
# comment out temporarily
marker_chain_ac = list(df2_ac_pure.Chainage_orig)
# marker_chain_ac = list(df2_ac_pure.lop_lan_med)
height_ac = list(df2_ac_pure.height)
# comment out temporarily
#marker_chain_ac_mixed = list(df2_ac_mixed.lop_lan_med)
marker_chain_ac_mixed = list(df2_ac_mixed.Chainage_orig)
height_acm = list(df2_ac_mixed.height)
size_slice = 200
# Helper splits off the df
def chunk(lst, n):
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
yield lst[i:i + n]
def chunk_exec(iterator_toslice, size = 200):
return [item_1 for item_1 in chunk(iterator_toslice, size)]
# notice here start and end computed based on chainage
start_of_chain, end_of_chain = chainage[0], chainage[-1]
if start_of_chain > end_of_chain:
start_of_chain, end_of_chain = chainage[-1], chainage[0]
chainage_range = range(roundup(start_of_chain), roundup(end_of_chain), 100)
zipped_slices = zip(chainage_sliced, x_axis_sliced, sci_sliced,
bci_sliced, bdi_sliced, marker_chain_sliced,
height_sliced, marker_chain_ac_sliced, height_ac_sliced,
marker_chain_ac_mixed_sliced, height_acm_sliced)
def the_plotter(num_figures, value_collection):
# chainage, x_axis, sci, bci, bdi, marker_chain, height,
# marker_chain_ac, height_ac, marker_chain_ac_mixed, height_acm
chainage = value_collection[0]
#x_axis = value_collection[1]
#chainage = value_collection[1] # put chainage in place of x_axis
sci = value_collection[2]
bci = value_collection[3]
bdi = value_collection[4]
marker_chain = value_collection[5]
height = value_collection[6]
marker_chain_ac = value_collection[7]
height_ac = value_collection[8]
marker_chain_ac_mixed = value_collection[9]
height_acm = value_collection[10]
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, constrained_layout=True,
sharey=False, figsize=(40, 15),
ax1.plot(chainage, sci, color="black", linewidth= 2.0)
ax1.plot(chainage, bci, color="magenta")
ax1.plot(chainage, bdi, color="dodgerblue") # indigo
ax1.legend(('sci', 'bci', 'bdi'), loc=2, prop={'size': 20}) # legend size set
ax1.set_xticklabels(list(chainage_range), fontsize=14) # list(xticks_computation(chainage_range)
# ===================================================
# PLOT 2
# control
ax2.plot(marker_chain, height, linestyle='None', color="limegreen", marker='s', markersize=6)
# 2x factor match
ax2.plot(marker_chain_ac, height_ac, linestyle='None', color="darkorange", marker='s', markersize=6)
# is invent & any pms
ax2.plot(marker_chain_ac_mixed, height_acm, linestyle='None', color="gold", marker='s', markersize=6)
ax2.set_yticklabels(['control','2x factor match','is invent & any/none pms'], fontsize=14)
ax2.set_ylabel('factor levels', fontsize = 16)
# =========================================================
# add a bar chart to the upper subplot
width = 10 # the width of the bars, approx(end_of_chain - start_of_chain)/300
x = marker_chain
x2 = marker_chain_ac
x3 = marker_chain_ac_mixed
y = [i*495 for i in height]
y2 = [i*250 for i in height_ac]
y3 = [i*165 for i in height_acm]
# control
rects1 =, y, width, color='limegreen', alpha = 0.6)
# is invent & any/none pms
rects3 =, y3, width, color='gold', alpha = 0.6)
# 2x factor match
rects2 =, y2, width, color='red', alpha = 0.3) # navy
# TO DO refactor as main
for num_cnt_main, chunk_element in reversed(list(enumerate(zipped_slices))):
counter1 += 1
the_plotter(counter1, chunk_element)