How Once I Needed To Converte namedtuple
Shrotly about problem
I once needed to make a json of following form from list of strings ["lorem", "ipsum"]
lorem_fields = [{
"tag": "input",
"name": "lorem",
"type": "text",
"human_label": "Lorem"
}, {
"tag": "input",
"name": "ipsum",
"type": "text",
"human_label": "ipsum"
from collections import namedtuple
import json
LociFormNt = namedtuple("LociFormNt",("tag", "name", "type", "human_label"))
def field_populator(list_of_str):
listofnt = [LociFormNt("input", f"{thing}", "text", f"{thing}".title()) for thing in list_of_str]
# json.dumps(fb._asdict())
dict_list = [json.dumps(i._asdict()) for i in listofnt]
return dict_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
lista = [ "Magnit", "Rospechat", "Over railroad bridge", "Records booth", "Buss station", "Farm marknad", "Household stuff store", "Thousand little things", "Clothing market", "Fruit stall"]