Private Parameters Loading With Dotenv

Published: Tue 06 April 2021
By Alex

In misc.

Setting Environment Variables

Nice people from the Internet wrote here about how to use dotenv to pass around credentials that you want to keep private: So I feel that it make sense and for different projects from now on I used python dotenv.

Set of steps to follow

  1. create venv in your project directory python -m venv venv && venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  2. Install python-dotenv into your virtualenv: pip install python-dotenv
  3. Set my PRIVATE_VARIABLE='test': vim .env
  4. Inside .env add a variable and assign the value 'test' to it:
# myapp settings

We populated this PRIVATE_VARIABLE with test which I consider to keep secret. This will be an environment variable to pass around within venv

  1. The variable inside .dotenv retrieved in as follows:
from dotenv import dotenv_values

DOTENV_CONFIG = dotenv_values(".env")  # access dict object {"PRIVATE_VARIABLE": "test"}

Additional step to fix variable "privacy"

  1. I want to keep it away from others but available for python within this particular venv. I want to add .env to my .gitignore. This way when I post my code to Github I keep .env private (away from vcs). In .gitignore I add the following:

